Michael Hübner
Since 2016, Michael has been leading the European Member States Working Group on SET-Plan Action 4: Increase the resilience and security of the energy system. Since 2014, he has coordinated the Joint Programming Platform ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems with 30 funding partners from 25 countries.
Michael Hübner is a trained communications engineer and during his studies in electrical engineering at the Vienna University of Technology he also dealt with the topics of sustainable development, environmental and social aspects of technology development as well as energy systems and renewable energies. Since 1998 he has been working for the Department of Energy and Environmental Technologies in the area of strategic priority setting, development of program research and international cooperation with a focus on future energy systems.
Since 2006, he has been particularly building the focus on smart energy systems and grids. He is a member of the Executive Committee and Chairman of the National Stakeholders Coordination Group of the "European Technology and Innovation Platform on Smart Networks for the Energy Transition (ETIP SNET)"