Luciano Martini
Luciano Martini is the Director of the “Transmission and Distribution Technologies” Department at RSE in Milano (Italy) whose research and innovation activities, amongst others, focus on T&D components lab testing, HVDC and hybrid AC/DC lines, innovative components, power electronics, electromobility, applied superconductivity and pilot applications of smart grids. Luciano Martini has more than 25 years’ experience on research and innovation (R&I) activities dealing with renewable energies integration, applied superconductivity, and smart grids. He is the Chair and Italian delegate within the Executive Committee of the IEA TCP ISGAN, the International Smart Grid Action Network, the Coordinator of the EERA JP on Smart Grids, a member of the Governing Board of the European Technology and Innovation Platform ETIP SNET, and member of several international working groups.
Within Mission Innovation (MI) he served as the Italian co-Lead of the Innovation Challenge on Smart Grids (IC1) together with colleagues from China and India. In the second phase of this global initiative MI2.0, Luciano Martini is the Director of the Green Powered Future Mission (GPFM) one the three international R&I missions launched in early June 2021. The GPFM is a public-private partnership, co-led by China, Italy and the UK, relying on 28 members representing Mission Innovation member states, key actors from the private sector, and international organizations to accelerate power system modernization and decarbonization.
Martini has a vast experience in international cooperation activities and has been repeatedly recruited as an independent expert to review research proposals and publicly funded R&D projects.